Calculation of fermion loops for eta-prime and nucleon scalar and electromagnetic form factors

C. Alexandrou, K. Hadjiyiannakou, G. Koutsou, A. ‘O Cais, A. Strelchenko
Department of Physics, University of Cyprus, PoB 20537, 1678 Nicosia, Cyprus
arXiv:1108.2473v1 [hep-lat] (11 Aug 2011)



   title={"{Calculation of fermion loops for $eta^prime$ and nucleon scalar and electromagnetic form factors}"},







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The exact evaluation of the disconnected diagram contributions to the flavor-singlet pseudoscalar meson mass, the nucleon sigma term and the nucleon electromagnetic form factors, is carried out utilizing GPGPU technology with the NVIDIA CUDA platform. The disconnected loops are also computed using stochastic methods with several noise reduction techniques. Various dilution schemes as well as the truncated solver method are studied. We make a comparison of these stochastic techniques to the exact results and show that the number of noise vectors depends on the operator insertion in the fermionic loop.
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