Comparison of OpenMP & OpenCL Parallel Processing Technologies

Krishnahari Thouti, S.R.Sathe
Department of Computer Science & Engg., Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur – 440010 (India)
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 3, No. 4, 2012


   title={Comparison of OpenMP & OpenCL Parallel Processing Technologies},

   author={Thouti, K. and Sathe, SR},

   journal={International Journal},




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This paper presents a comparison of OpenMP and OpenCL based on the parallel implementation of algorithms from various fields of computer applications. The focus of our study is on the performance of benchmark comparing OpenMP and OpenCL. We observed that OpenCL programming model is a good option for mapping threads on different processing cores. Balancing all available cores and allocating sufficient amount of work among all computing units, can lead to improved performance. In our simulation, we used Fedora operating system; a system with Intel Xeon Dual core processor having thread count 24 coupled with NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800 as graphical processing unit.
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