OpenCL Numerical Simulations of Two-Fluid Compressible Flows With a 2D Random Choice Method

Philippe Helluy, Jonathan Jung
Institut de Recherche Mathematique Avancee (IRMA), CNRS: UMR7501 – Universite de Strasbourg
hal-00759135, 30 November 2012




   title={OpenCL numerical simulations of two-fluid compressible flows with a 2D random choice method},

   author={Helluy, Philippe and Jung, Jonathan},


   affiliation={Institut de Recherche Math{‘e}matique Avanc{‘e}e – IRMA , CALVI – INRIA Nancy – Grand Est / IECN / LSIIT / IRMA},




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In this paper, we propose a new very simple numerical method for solving liquid-gas compressible flows. Such flows are difficult to simulate because classical conservative finite volume schemes generate pressure oscillations at the liquid-gas interface. We extend to several dimensions the random choice scheme that we have previously constructed. The extension is performed through Strang dimensional splitting. The resulting scheme exhibits interesting conservation and stability properties. For achieving high performance, the scheme is tested on recent muulticore processors and GPU, using the OpenCL environment.
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