Tags: Code generation, Computer science, CUDA, DSL, Fluid dynamics, Intel Xeon Phi, nVidia, OpenCL, Package, PDEs, PTX, Stencil computation, Tesla K20, Thesis
Tags: Algorithms, Computer science, CUDA, Databases, nVidia, String matching, Tesla C2070, Tesla K40, Thesis
Tags: Computer science, CUDA, Heterogeneous systems, nVidia, OpenCL, OpenMP, Programming techniques, Tesla K20, Thesis
Tags: Compilers, Computer science, OpenCL, Thesis
Tags: Computer science, CUDA, Heterogeneous systems, nVidia, nVidia GeForce GTX Titan Black, Performance, PTX, Thesis
Tags: Computer science, Heterogeneous systems, Intel Xeon Phi, nVidia, nVidia Quadro FX 5800, OpenCL, Thesis
Tags: Computer science, Performance, Sensing, Thesis, Virtualization
Tags: ARM, Computational Physics, Computer science, Heterogeneous systems, MPI, OpenCL, Particle-in-cell methods, Plasma physics, Thesis
Tags: Computer science, Intel Xeon Phi, Package, Performance, Python, Thesis
Tags: Algorithms, Computer science, CUDA, MPI, nVidia, nVidia GeForce GTX 570, nVidia GeForce GTX 770, nVidia GeForce GTX Titan, OpenMP, Optimization, Path problems, Thesis
Tags: High Energy Physics - Lattice, Intel Xeon Phi, Physics, QCD, Thesis
Tags: Algorithms, Computer science, Heterogeneous systems, Image processing, Intel HD 4600, OpenCL, Rendering, Sorting, Thesis
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