GPU-assisted decoding of video samples represented in the YCoCg-R color space

Wesley De Neve, Dieter Van Rijsselbergen, Charles Hollemeersch, Jan De Cock, Stijn Notebaert, Rik Van de Walle
Ghent University – IBBT, Multimedia Lab, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia In MULTIMEDIA ’05: Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia (November 2005), pp. 447-450.


   title={GPU-assisted decoding of video samples represented in the YCoCg-R color space},

   author={De Neve, W. and Van Rijsselbergen, D. and Hollemeersch, C. and De Cock, J. and Notebaert, S. and Van de Walle, R.},

   booktitle={Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia},






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Although pixel shaders were designed for the creation of programmable rendering effects, they can also be used as generic processing units for vector data. In this paper, attention is paid to an implementation of the YCoCg-R to RGB color space transform, as defined in the H.264/AVC Fidelity Range Extensions, by making use of pixel shaders. Our results show that a significant speedup can be achieved by relying on the processing power of the GPU, relative to the CPU. To be more specific, high definition video (1080p), represented in the YCoCg-R color space, could be decoded to RGB at 30 Hz on a PC with an AMD Athlon XP 2800+ CPU, an AGP bus and an NVIDIA GeForce 6800 graphics card, an effort that could not be realized in real-time by the CPU.
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