An Evolutionary Approach to Parallel Computing Using GPU

Mohammad Naeemullah
Maulana Azad College of Arts Science & Commerce, Rauza Bagh, Aurangabad
Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 1, Issue 3, 2013



   author={Naeemullah, Mohammad},



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A few years, the programmable graphics processor unit has evolved into an absolute High performance computing. Simple data-parallel constructs, enabling the use of the GPU as a streaming coprocessor. A compiler and run time system that abstracts and virtualizes many aspects of graphics hardware. Commodity graphics hardware has rapidly evolved from being a fixed-function pipeline into having programmable vertex and fragment processors. While this new programmability was introduced for real-time shading, it has been observed that these processors feature instruction sets general enough to perform computation beyond the domain of rendering. Proposed research work is a translation Cialis of share memory program to graphics processing unit for regular loop and irregular loop in parallelism. The theme of this translation is to make the efficient for reduce the execution time for the huge amount of data processing for such a application. An analysis of the effectiveness of the Graphics Processing Unit as a computing device compared to the Central processing Unit, to determine when the GPU can produce outstandingresult rather than the CPU for a particular algorithm for Application. To achieve good performance, our translation scheme includes efficient management of shared data as well as advanced handling of irregular accesses.
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