Conditional component composition for GPU-based systems

Usman Dastgeer, Christoph W. Kessler
IDA, Linkoping University, 58183 Linkoping, Sweden
MULTIPROG-2014 workshop at HiPEAC-2014, 2014


   title={Conditional component composition for GPU-based systems},

   author={Dastgeer, Usman and Kessler, Christoph W},



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User-level components can expose multiple functionally equivalent implementations with different resource requirements and performance characteristics. A composition framework can then choose a suitable implementation for each component invocation guided by an objective function (execution time, energy etc.). In this paper, we describe the idea of conditional composition which enables the component writer to specify constraints on the selectability of a given component implementation based on information about the target system and component call properties. By incorporating such information, more informed and user-guided composition decisions can be made and thus more efficient code be generated, as shown with an example scenario for a GPU-based system.
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