GPU-driven Parallel Processing for Realtime Creation of Tree Animation

Sang-Min Song, Young-Min Kang, Kang-Hyuk Lee, Soo-Yol Ok
Department of Game Engineering, Tongmyong University
International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, Vol.8, No.6, pp.183-194, 2014


   title={GPU-driven Parallel Processing for Realtime Creation of Tree Animation},

   author={Song, Sang-Min and Kang, Young-Min and Lee, Kang-Hyuk and Ok, Soo-Yol},



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The technological demand for graphically generating natural plants in real time recently have been more and more increasing in a variety of interactive content-creating areas such as computer games. In this paper, we propose a GPU-driven high-speed parallel processing algorithm for generating trees and their branches and leaves in real time. The method that we propose ensures the realistic generation of a multitude of trees and motions of their branches and leaves triggered by external force while it maintains the stability of the system.
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