Conjugate gradient solvers on Intel Xeon Phi and NVIDIA GPUs

O. Kaczmarek, C. Schmidt, P. Steinbrecher, M. Wagner
Fakultat fur Physik, Universitat Bielefeld, D-33615 Bielefeld, Germany
arXiv:1411.4439 [physics.comp-ph], (17 Nov 2014)



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Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics simulations typically spend most of the runtime in inversions of the Fermion Matrix. This part is therefore frequently optimized for various HPC architectures. Here we compare the performance of the Intel Xeon Phi to current Kepler-based NVIDIA Tesla GPUs running a conjugate gradient solver. By exposing more parallelism to the accelerator through inverting multiple vectors at the same time, we obtain a performance greater than 300 GFlop/s on both architectures. This more than doubles the performance of the inversions. We also give a short overview of the Knights Corner architecture, discuss some details of the implementation and the effort required to obtain the achieved performance.
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