Coherent Spatiotemporal Filtering, Upsampling and Rendering of RGBZ Videos

Christian Richardt, Carsten Stoll, Neil A. Dodgson, Hans-Peter Seidel, Christian Theobalt
MPI Informatik
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2012), 2012


   author={Christian Richardt and Carsten Stoll and Neil A. Dodgson and Hans-Peter Seidel and Christian Theobalt},

   title={Coherent Spatiotemporal Filtering, Upsampling and Rendering of {RGBZ} Videos},

   journal={Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics)},





   location={Cagliari, Italy},



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Sophisticated video processing effects require both image and geometry information. We explore the possibility to augment a video camera with a recent infrared time-of-flight depth camera, to capture high-resolution RGB and low-resolution, noisy depth at video frame rates. To turn such a setup into a practical RGBZ video camera, we develop efficient data filtering techniques that are tailored to the noise characteristics of IR depth cameras. We first remove typical artefacts in the RGBZ data and then apply an efficient spatiotemporal denoising and upsampling scheme. This allows us to record temporally coherent RGBZ videos at interactive frame rates and to use them to render a variety of effects in unprecedented quality. We show effects such as video relighting, geometry-based abstraction and stylisation, background segmentation and rendering in stereoscopic 3D.
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