GPU-Based Tracking Algorithms for the ATLAS High-Level Trigger

D. Emeliyanov, J. Howard
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, UK
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 396, Part 1, 012018, 2012


   title={GPU-Based Tracking Algorithms for the ATLAS High-Level Trigger},

   author={Emeliyanov, D. and Howard, J.},




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Results on the performance and viability of data-parallel algorithms on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) in the ATLAS Level 2 trigger system are presented. We describe the existing trigger data preparation and track reconstruction algorithms, motivation for their optimization, GPU-parallelized versions of these algorithms, and a "client-server" solution for hybrid CPU/GPU event processing used for integration of the GPU-oriented algorithms into existing ATLAS trigger software. The resulting speed-up of event processing times obtained with high-luminosity simulated data is presented and discussed.
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