The GASPI API specification and its implementation GPI 2.0

D. Grünewald, C. Simmendinger
Fraunhofer ITWM, Fraunhofer Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany; T-Systems Solutions for Research Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany


   title={The GASPI API specification and its implementation GPI 2.0},

   author={Gr{"u}newald, Daniel and Simmendinger, Christian}


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Gaspi (Global Address Space Programming Interface) is an API specification for Partitioned Global Address Spaces. The Gaspi API is focused on three key objectives: scalability, exibility and failure tolerance. Gaspi uses one-sided RDMA driven communication in combination with remote completion in a PGAS environment. As such, Gaspi aims to initiate a paradigm shift from bulk-synchronous two-sided communication patterns towards an asynchronous communication and execution model. Gaspi follows a single program multiple data (SPMD) approach and offers a small, yet powerful API composed of synchronization primitives, fine-grained control over one-sided read and write communication primitives, synchronous and asynchronous collectives, global atomics, passive receives, communication groups and communication queues. With GPI 2.0, the Gaspi standard has been implemented by Fraunhofer ITWM as a highly efficient open source implementation under GPL v3.
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