DeepLearningKit – an GPU Optimized Deep Learning Framework for Apple’s iOS, OS X and tvOS developed in Metal and Swift
arXiv:1605.04614 [cs.LG], (15 May 2016)
title={DeepLearningKit – an GPU Optimized Deep Learning Framework for Apple’s iOS, OS X and tvOS developed in Metal and Swift},
author={Tveit, Amund and Morland, Torbjorn and Rost, Thomas Brox},
In this paper we present DeepLearningKit – an open source framework that supports using pretrained deep learning models (convolutional neural networks) for iOS, OS X and tvOS. DeepLearningKit is developed in Metal in order to utilize the GPU efficiently and Swift for integration with applications, e.g. iOS-based mobile apps on iPhone/iPad, tvOS-based apps for the big screen, or OS X desktop applications. The goal is to support using deep learning models trained with popular frameworks such as Caffe, Torch, TensorFlow, Theano, Pylearn, Deeplearning4J and Mocha. Given the massive GPU resources and time required to train Deep Learning models we suggest an App Store like model to distribute and download pretrained and reusable Deep Learning models.
May 17, 2016 by hgpu