Fast and Memory Efficient GPU-Based Rendering of Tensor Data

Mario Hlawitschka, Sebastian Eichelbaum, Gerik Scheuermann
University of Leipzig, PF 100920, 04009 Leipzig
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization 2008, p. 36-42, July, 24-26 2008


   title={Fast and memory efficient gpu-based rendering of tensor data},

   author={Hlawitschka, M. and Eichelbaum, S. and Scheuermann, G.},

   journal={IADIS Computer Graphics and Visualization},



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Graphics hardware is advancing very fast and offers new possibilities to programmers. The new features can be used in scientific visualization to move calculations from the CPU to the graphics processing unit (GPU). This is useful especially when mixing CPU intense calculations with on the fly visualization of intermediate results. We present a method to display a large amount of superquadric glyphs and demonstrate its use for visualization of measured second-order tensor data in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and to stress and strain tensors of computational fluid dynamic and material simulations.
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