First ADBIS workshop on GPUs In Databases, GID 2011

September 19, 2011
Vienna, Austria

The GPUs in Databases workshop is devoted to sharing the knowledge related to applying GPUs in Database environments and to discuss possible future development of this application domain.List of topics of the GID workshop includes (but is not limited to):

1. Data compression on GPUs

* lossless/lossy compression and decompression

* real time compression and decompression of multimedia

2. GPUs in databases and data warehouses

* join processing

* data indexing

* data aggregation

* bulk query processing

* analytical query processing

3. Data mining using GPUs

* classification

* frequent itemsets and association rules

* frequent subgraphs

* sequential patterns

* clustering

* social networks mining

* regression

4. Stream processing

* query processing in streaming databases

* stream compression/decompression

5. Applications of GPUs in bioinformatics

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