Graphics Processing Unit Acceleration of the Explicit Solution of the Time Domain Volume Integral Equation Using OpenACC

Ahmed Al-Jarro, Alain Clo, Hakan Bagci
Division of Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, 2012


   title={Graphics Processing Unit Acceleration of the Explicit Solution of the Time Domain Volume Integral Equation Using OpenACC},

   author={Al-Jarro, Ahmed and Clo, Alain and Ba{u{g}}c{i}, Hakan},



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A graphics processing unit (GPU) accelerated implementation of the explicit solution of the time domain volume integral equation (TD-VIE) using the OpenACC application program interface (API) is presented. The use of the OpenACC API, which is based on a collection of compiler directives implementation, allows for the ease of porting as well as the efficient computation of the TD-VIE solver onto GPUs with up to 50X speedups over a single core serial implementation on a CPU.
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