Monte Carlo simulations on Graphics Processing Units

Vadim Demchik, Alexei Strelchenko
Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
arXiv:0903.3053v2 [hep-lat] (17 Mar 2009)


   title={Monte Carlo simulations on Graphics Processing Units},

   author={Demchik, V. and Strelchenko, A.},



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Implementation of basic local Monte-Carlo algorithms on ATI Graphics Processing Units (GPU) is investigated. The Ising model and pure SU(2) gluodynamics simulations are realized with the Compute Abstraction Layer (CAL) of ATI Stream environment using the Metropolis and the heat-bath algorithms, respectively. We present an analysis of both CAL programming model and the efficiency of the corresponding simulation algorithms on GPU. In particular, the significant performance speed-up of these algorithms in comparison with serial execution is observed.
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