Graphics Programming on the Web WebCL Course Notes
Motorola Mobility, Inc.
Siggraph, 2012
title={Graphics Programming on the Web WebCL Course Notes},
author={Bourges-S{‘e}venier, Mika{"e}l},
This document introduces WebCL [1], a new standard under development by the Khronos Group, for highperformance computing in web browsers. Since WebCL wraps OpenCL, the course starts by reviewing important OpenCL [2] concepts. Next, we detail how to program with WebCL in the browser and on devices such as GPUs. Finally, we discuss WebCL – WebGL [3] interoperability and provide complete examples of moving from WebGL shaders to WebCL. Last, we provide tips and tricks to ease such translation and to optimize WebCL code performance.
May 1, 2013 by hgpu