OpenCL simulations of two-fluid compressible flows with a random choice method

Philippe Helluy, Jonathan Jung
IRMA, Universite de Strasbourg and Inria TONUS
International Journal On Finite Volumes (IJFV), Volume 10, 2013


   title={OpenCL simulations of two-fluid compressible flows with a random choice method},

   author={HELLUY, Philippe and JUNG, Jonathan},



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In this paper, we propose a new very simple numerical method for solving liquid-gas compressible flows. Such flows are difficult to simulate because classic conservative finite volume schemes generate pressure oscillations at the liquid-gas interface. We extend to several dimensions the random choice scheme that we have constructed in [2]. The extension is performed through Strang dimensional splitting. The resulting scheme exhibits interesting conservation and stability properties. For achieving high performance, the scheme is tested on recent multi-core processors and GPUs, using the OpenCL environment.
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