A Methodology for Translating C-Programs to OpenCL

Krishnahari Thouti, S. R. Sathe
Dept. of CSE, VNIT, Nagpur, India
International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 82, Number 3, 2013


   author={Thouti, Krishnahari and Sathe, S. R.},

   title={Article: A Methodology for Translating C-Programs to OpenCL},

   journal={International Journal of Computer Applications},






   note={Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA}


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Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) is currently a common feature of high performance computing. Languages such as CUDA and Open Computing Language (OpenCL) are such programming models; provide a standard interface for achieving high performance across these GPU devices. However, because of the wide variety of architectural complexities of these GPU devices; often makes difficult to write programs for these platforms. One of the approaches to get rid off this difficulty is to parallelize sequential programs into equivalent parallel programs. In this paper, we present a methodology for parallelization of sequential C-programs with function calls to equivalent OpenCL programs with little assistance from programmer. Our proposed methodology identifies function calls and converts them into ‘kernel’ to be executed in parallel on GPU devices. To the best of our knowledge, there are no tools dedicated to conversion of C code to equivalent OpenCL code.
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