Numerical Simulation for the MHD System in 2D Using OpenCL

Michel Massaro, Philippe Helluy, Vincent Loechner
Institut de Recherche Mathematique Avancee (IRMA), CNRS: UMR7501 – Universite de Strasbourg
hal-00919751, (20 December 2013)




   title={Numerical simulation for the MHD system in 2D using OpenCL},

   author={Massaro, Michel and Helluy, Philippe and Loechner, Vincent},

   keywords={MHD, OpenCL, GPU},


   affiliation={Institut de Recherche Math{‘e}matique Avanc{‘e}e – IRMA , Laboratoire de Sciences de l’Image, de l’Informatique et de la T{‘e}l{‘e}d{‘e}tection, {‘e}quipe ICPS – LSIIT / ICPS},

   note={LABEX IRMIA},





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In this work we compute the MHD equations with divergence cleaning on GPU. The method is based on the finite volume approach and Strang dimensional splitting. The simplicity of the approach makes it a good candidate for a GPU implementation with OpenCL. With adequate memory optimization access, we achieve very high speedups, compared to a classical sequential implementation.
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