Back Ground Subtraction Algorithm For Moving Object Detection In FPGA

M. Surumbar Khuzhali
Department of ETC, Bharath University, India
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 20 (2): 198-204, 2014


   title={Back Ground Subtraction Algorithm For Moving Object Detection In FPGA},

   author={Khuzhali, M Surumbar},

   journal={Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research},






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Image edge detection is an important technique in the area of image processing with wide applications in Medicine, Remote sensing, military to mention a few. There are conventional as well as improvised edge detection algorithms depending on the application. The choice of the technique in most cases depends on the application and image in question rather a image segmentation. According to the result of moving object detection research on video sequences, this paper proposes a new method to detect moving object based on background subtraction. First of all, we establish a reliable background updating model based on statistical and use a dynamic optimization threshold method to obtain a more complete moving object. Image segmentation is a technique and process which divide the image into different feature of region and extract out the interested target. To illustrate the level of the image segmentation in image processing, we have introduced "image engineering" concept, it bring the involved theory, methods, algorithms, tools, equipment of image segmentation into an overall framework. With the improvement of computer processing capabilities and the increased application of color image, the image segmentation are more and more concerned. This article proposes a image segmentation method based on the traditional seed region growing algorithm.
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