Multi-Level Graph Layout on the GPU

Yaniv Frishman, Ayellet Tal
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 13, No. 6. (2007), pp. 1310-1319.


   title={Multi-level graph layout on the GPU},

   author={Frishman, Y. and Tal, A.},

   journal={IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics},




   publisher={Published by the IEEE Computer Society}


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This paper presents a new algorithm for force directed graph layout on the GPU. The algorithm, whose goal is to compute layouts accurately and quickly, has two contributions. The first contribution is proposing a general multi-level scheme, which is based on spectral partitioning. The second contribution is computing the layout on the GPU. Since the GPU requires a data parallel programming model, the challenge is devising a mapping of a naturally unstructured graph into a well-partitioned structured one. This is done by computing a balanced partitioning of a general graph. This algorithm provides a general multi-level scheme, which has the potential to be used not only for computation on the GPU, but also on emerging multi-core architectures. The algorithm manages to compute high quality layouts of large graphs in a fraction of the time required by existing algorithms of similar quality. An application for visualization of the topologies of ISP (Internet Service Provider) networks is presented.
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