HOCL: A Family of Embedded Languages

Anthony Cowley, Camillo J. Taylor
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania, 2015


   title={HOCL: A Family of Embedded Languages},

   author={Cowley, Anthony and Taylor, Camillo J},



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We address the increasingly varied capabilities of specialized computing platforms by introducing a growing family of functionally-limited mini-languages, implemented as embedded domain specific languages (EDSLs) in Haskell, that may be composed to harness the computational features offered by a variety of hardware platforms. This development is based on a novel modular representation of the EDSL that enables zero-overhead evaluation when running on the GHC runtime, deep term introspection for optimization purposes as a prelude to serialization for consumption by a lower-level compiler, and rich interplay between these two views that recasts interpreters as optimizers.
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