Numerical modeling of gravitational wave sources accelerated by OpenCL

Gaurav Khanna, Justin McKennon
Physics Department, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA 02747, United States
Computer Physics Communications, Volume 181, Issue 9, September 2010, Pages 1605-1611 (04 June 2010)


   title={Numerical modeling of gravitational wave sources accelerated by OpenCL},

   author={Khanna, G. and McKennon, J.},

   journal={Computer Physics Communications},





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In this work, we make use of the OpenCL framework to accelerate an EMRI modeling application using the hardware accelerators – Cell BE and Tesla CUDA GPU. We describe these compute technologies and our parallelization approach in detail, present our performance results, and then compare them with those from our previous implementations based on the native CUDA and Cell SDKs. The OpenCL framework allows us to execute identical source-code on both architectures and yet obtain strong performance gains that are comparable to what can be derived from the native SDKs.
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