PyTransit: Fast and Easy Exoplanet Transit Modelling in Python
University of Oxford, Sub-Department of Astrophysics, Department of Physics, Oxford OX1 3RH
arXiv:1504.07433 [astro-ph.EP], (28 Apr 2015)
title={PyTransit: Fast and Easy Exoplanet Transit Modelling in Python},
author={Parviainen, Hannu},
We present a fast and user friendly exoplanet transit light curve modelling package PyTransit, implementing optimised versions of the Gimen’ez and the Mandel & Agol transit models. The package offers an object-oriented Python interface to access the two models implemented natively in Fortran with OpenMP parallelisation. A partial OpenCL version of the quadratic Mandel-Agol model is also included for GPU-accelerated computations. The aim of PyTransit is to facilitate the analysis of photometric time series of exoplanet transits consisting of hundreds of thousands of datapoints, and of multi-passband transit light curves from spectrophotometric observations, as a part of a researcher’s programming toolkit for building complex, problem-specific, analyses.
May 3, 2015 by hgpu