Melia: A MapReduce Framework on OpenCL-based FPGAs

Zeke Wang, Shuhao Zhang, Bingsheng He, Wei Zhang
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Nanyang Technological University, 2016


   title={Melia: A MapReduce Framework on OpenCL-based FPGAs},

   author={Wang, Zeke and Zhang, Shuhao and He, Bingsheng and Zhang, Wei},



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MapReduce, originally developed by Google for search applications, has recently become a popular programming framework for parallel and distributed environments. This paper presents an energy-efficient architecture design for MapReduce on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The major goal is to enable users to program FPGAs with simple MapReduce interfaces, and meanwhile to embrace automatic performance optimizations within the MapReduce framework. Compared to other processors like CPUs and GPUs, FPGAs are (re-)programmable hardware and have very low energy consumption. However, the design and implementation of MapReduce on FPGAs can be challenging: firstly, FPGAs are usually programmed with hardware description languages, which hurts the programmability of the MapReduce design to its users; secondly, since MapReduce has irregular access patterns (especially in the reduce phase) and needs to support user-defined functions, careful designs and optimizations are required for efficiency. In this paper, we design, implement and evaluate Melia, a MapReduce framework on FPGAs. Melia takes advantage of the recent OpenCL programming framework developed for Altera FPGAs, and abstracts FPGAs behind the simple and familiar MapReduce interfaces in C. We further develop a series of FPGA-centric optimization techniques to improve the efficiency of Melia, and a cost- and resource-based approach to automate the parameter settings for those optimizations. We evaluate Melia on a recent Altera Stratix V GX FPGA with a number of commonly used MapReduce benchmarks. Our results demonstrate that 1) the efficiency and effectiveness of our optimizations and automated parameter setting approach, 2) Melia can achieve promising energy efficiency in comparison with its counterparts on CPUs/GPUs on both single-FPGA and cluster settings.
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