An efficient MPI/OpenMP parallelization of the Hartree-Fock method for the second generation of Intel Xeon Phi processor
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory 1/3, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation
arXiv:1708.00033 [cs.DC], (31 Jul 2017)
title={An efficient MPI/OpenMP parallelization of the Hartree-Fock method for the second generation of Intel Xeon Phi processor},
author={Mironov, Vladimir and Alexeev, Yuri and Keipert, Kristopher and D’mello, Michael and Moskovsky, Alexander and Gordon, Mark S.},
Modern OpenMP threading techniques are used to convert the MPI-only Hartree-Fock code in the GAMESS program to a hybrid MPI/OpenMP algorithm. Two separate implementations that differ by the sharing or replication of key data structures among threads are considered, density and Fock matrices. All implementations are benchmarked on a super-computer of 3,000 Intel Xeon Phi processors. With 64 cores per processor, scaling numbers are reported on up to 192,000 cores. The hybrid MPI/OpenMP implementation reduces the memory footprint by approximately 200 times compared to the legacy code. The MPI/OpenMP code was shown to run up to six times faster than the original for a range of molecular system sizes.
August 8, 2017 by hgpu