International Conference on Image, Video and Signal Processing (IVSP), 2019
The 2019 International Conference on Image, Video and Signal Processing (IVSP 2019) will be held during 25-28 February, 2019 in Shanghai, China. IVSP 2019 aims to provide researchers and practitioners from academia and industry with a forum to report on the latest developments in video, image and signal processing, multimedia and computer graphics. The conference will also provide a unique opportunity for shearing experiences from different backgrounds with the common interest in advanced methods in the above mentioned fields and in industrial applications.
Keynote speaker:
Prof. Yo-Sung Ho
Gwangji Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea (IEEE fellow).
Published by:
Accepted papers will be published into International Conference Proceedings, which is indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, Inspec etc.
Call for Papers:
3D images and models.
Case studies and emerging technologies.
Classification and clustering techniques.
Color and texture.
Compression methods.
Computational geometry.
Computer animation.
Curves and meshes.
Database architectures for image/video retrieval.
e-Learning applications and computer graphics.
Emerging display technologies.
Important Dates
Deadline (full text): October 10, 2018.
Deadline (abstract): November 10, 2018.
Registration Deadline: November 25, 2018.
Conference Contact:
Ms. Amanda Wong
Tel: +86-021-59561560