Implicit Boundary Control of Vector Field Based Shape Deformations
MPI Informatik, D-66123 Saarbrucken, Germany
Mathematics of Surfaces XII, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007, Volume 4647/2007, 154-165
title={Implicit boundary control of vector field based shape deformations},
author={Von Funck, W. and Theisel, H. and Seidel, H.P.},
journal={Mathematics of Surfaces XII},
We present a shape deformation approach which preserves volume, prevents self-intersections and allows for exact control of the deformation impact. The volume preservation and prevention of self-intersections are achieved by utilizing the method of Vector Field Based Shape Deformations. This method produces physically plausible deformations efficiently by integrating formally constructed divergence-free vector fields, where the region of influence is described by implicitly defined shapes. We introduce an implicit representation of deformation boundaries, which allows for an exact control of the deformation: By placing the boundaries directly on the shape surface, the user can specify precisely where the shape should be deformed and where not. The simple polygonal representation of the boundaries allows for a GPU implementation, which is able to deform high-resolution meshes in real-time.
January 30, 2011 by hgpu