A GPGPU-Based Collision Detection Algorithm

Zou Yisheng, Zhou Xiaoli, Ding Guofu, He Yong, Jia Meiwei
Traction Power State Key Lab., Southwest Jiaotong Univ., Chengdu, China
Fifth International Conference on Image and Graphics, 2009. ICIG ’09


   title={A GPGPU-Based Collision Detection Algorithm},

   author={Zou, Y. and Zhou, X. and Ding, G. and He, Y. and Jia, M.},

   booktitle={2009 Fifth International Conference on Image and Graphics},





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A GPGPU-based collision detection algorithm is proposed. Firstly, the information of OBB hierarchy tree and triangles of tested objects are mapped into some data textures designed for GPGPU-based calculation, such as triangle vertex textures, bounding box size texture, tree node relationship texture, etc., then these textures are downloaded to GPU to complete the data preparation. Secondly, the whole collision detection is executed on GPU, in which three key contents are fulfilled: reading necessary data from related textures correctly by order coordinate method and index coordinate method, detecting the intersection between triangle and OBB, triangle and triangle through a collision detection index array. Lastly, collision detection results are outputted to a texture by FBO technology and read back to CPU for post-processing. The data transmission between CPU and GPU is only twice, which reduce the time to read data. Testing results show that the detecting speed of the algorithm proposed in this paper is faster than the similar CPU-based algorithm obviously with the increasing complexity of tested objects, while keeps the same precision.
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