A Summary of Recent GPU Developments and Key Enabling Technologies for Digital Media Applications

I.M. Williams
The 2nd IEE European Conference on Visual Media Production, 2005. CVMP 2005


   title={A Summary of Recent GPU Developments and Key Enabling Technologies for Digital Media Applications},

   author={Williams, IM},

   booktitle={Visual Media Production, 2005. CVMP 2005. The 2nd IEE European Conference on},





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In recent years the rate of development of Graphics Processor Units (GPUs) has been significantly faster than any other component in a PC or Workstation. This is clearly demonstrated by a continued six-month doubling in performance, to the extent that current GPU floating point horse-power is significantly beyond that of conventional micro-processors. In combination with these significant GPU performance increases are several revolutionary enabling technologies including complete GPU programmability, full support for floating point computations and graphics scalability (Scalable Link Interconnect – SLI). Combined these factors yield many new opportunities in all aspects of digital media production and use. This paper discusses several key GPU technologies and their impact on digital media. It starts by briefly discussing some key milestones in the evolution of the GPU, highlighting how these features benefit a range of digital media applications. It then discusses recent advances in GPU technology as well as driving factors behind GPU development and the impact of these on digital media. It concludes by discussing how all these technologies may impact visual and digital media production as well as the direction of some likely future key developments.
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