A Reverse-Projecting Pixel-Level Painting Algorithm
Sch. of Comput. Sci., Nat. Univ. of Defense Technol., Changsha, China
Fifth International Conference on Image and Graphics, 2009. ICIG ’09
title={A Reverse-Projecting Pixel-Level Painting Algorithm},
author={Dang, G. and Cheng, Z.Q.},
booktitle={2009 Fifth International Conference on Image and Graphics},
Traditional Texturing using a set of two dimensional image maps is an established and widespread practice. However, it is difficult to parameterize a model in texture space, particularly with representations such as implicit surfaces, subdivision surfaces, and very dense or detailed polygonal meshes. Based on an adaptive octree textures definition, this paper proposes a direct reverse-projecting pixel-level painting approach which has less storage requirements to general octree textures maps. In addition, it depends on texture lookup in the GPU, which particularly lookup faster than the Non-GPU program.
June 2, 2011 by hgpu