A real-time subsurface scattering rendering method for dynamic objects
State Key Lab. of Virtual Reality Technol., Beihang Univ., Beijing, China
4th International Conference on Computer Science & Education, 2009. ICCSE ’09
title={A real-time subsurface scattering rendering method for dynamic objects},
author={Shuai, L. and Ai-min, H. and Zhen, W. and Ren-ming, L.},
booktitle={Computer Science & Education, 2009. ICCSE’09. 4th International Conference on},
The paper proposes a real-time subsurface scattering rendering method for dynamic objects. Subsurface scattering owned by translucent objects is a complex optical phenomenon. Since the complexity of the property description of translucent materials and their interaction with light, the pre-computing methods are usually used to render subsurface scattering of translucent objects, but these approaches either limit the objects to be non-deformable or limit the translucent materials to be homogeneous. In this paper, a new translucent material describing and decomposed light computing model is set forth, on basis of which image-space approximate computing methods for single scattering and multiple scattering are respectively proposed. The algorithm can fulfill the real-time rendering of dynamic objects by fully exploiting the capability of graphics processing units (GPU).
June 17, 2011 by hgpu