Fast variational static IR-drop analysis on the graphical processing unit

R.O. Topaloglu
12th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 2011


   title={Fast variational static IR-drop analysis on the graphical processing unit},

   author={Topaloglu, R.O.},

   booktitle={Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 2011 12th International Symposium on},





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Due to large power grid sizes, IR-drop analysis is a computationally challenging design flow step that is commonly used in integrated circuit design. Variability in silicon and circuit operating conditions makes IR-drop analysis even more challenging. We introduce a flow to take benefit of a graphical processing unit (GPU). We introduce variability for the power grid elements through Monte Carlo runs. We provide a fair speed comparison with respect to CPU implementation. We observe speed savings up to 5.7x using the GPU implementation without architecture-specific programming effort.
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