Parallel simulation of Petri nets on desktop PC hardware

Robert Geist, Jacob Hicks, Mark Smotherman, James Westall
Department of Computer Science, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0974, U.S.A.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2005


   title={Parallel simulation of petri nets on desktop pc hardware},

   author={Geist, R. and Hicks, J. and Smotherman, M. and Westall, J.},

   booktitle={Proceedings of the 37th conference on Winter simulation},



   organization={Winter Simulation Conference}


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A comparatively simple approach to highly parallel simulation of Petri nets on commodity, desktop PC hardware is suggested. A mapping, described in the programming language Cg, of Petri net semantics to the SIMD architecture of NVidia 5-series and 6-series GPUs is provided, and a prototype simulator is tested on both conflict-intensive and conflict-free Petri net models. In all cases, the prototype parallel simulator is seen to deliver substantial performance gains over its serial counterparts. Limitations of the approach and open design issues are also described.
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