Partial Wave Analysis using Graphics Cards

Niklaus Berger
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 19B Yuquan Lu, 100049 Beijing, CHINA
arXiv:1108.5882v1 [physics.data-an] (30 Aug 2011)


   title={Partial Wave Analysis using Graphics Cards},

   author={Berger, Niklaus},

   journal={ArXiv e-prints},




   keywords={Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability,High Energy Physics – Experiment},




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Partial wave analysis is a key technique in hadron spectroscopy. The use of unbinned likelihood fits on large statistics data samples and ever more complex physics models makes this analysis technique computationally very expensive. Parallel computing techniques, in particular the use of graphics processing units, are a powerful means to speed up analyses; in the contexts of the BES III, Compass and GlueX experiments, parallel analysis frameworks have been created. They provide both fits that are faster by more than two orders of magnitude than legacy code and environments to quickly program and run an analysis. This in turn allows the physicists to focus on the many difficult open problems pertaining to partial wave analysis.
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