Interactive Reaction-Diffusion on Surface Tiles

Kui-Yip Lo, Hongwei Li, Chi-Wing Fu, Tien-Tsin Wong
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
15th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, 2007. PG ’07


   title={Interactive reaction-diffusion on surface tiles},

   author={Lo, K.Y. and Li, H. and Fu, C.W. and Wong, T.T.},

   booktitle={Computer Graphics and Applications, 2007. PG’07. 15th Pacific Conference on},





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This paper proposes to perform reaction-diffusion on surface tiles. The square tiles fit nicely and cost-effectively in GPU memory, whereas we also apply distortion minimization on tiles so as to precisely reduce the unbalanced scale and resolution problem of chemicals in the reaction- diffusion. The interconnection nature of tiles accounts for the surface topology, and thus allows the chemicals to flow naturally over surfaces of arbitrary genus. Furthermore, by taking advantage of the tile structure, we can efficiently perform localized reaction-diffusion, and adjust the pattern formulation in an interactive manner on the GPU. To demonstrate its performance, we develop an interactive system that allows texture designers to fine-tune and alter the reaction-diffusion process by directly painting chemicals onto the object surface. Finally, we also develop several non-trivial applications of reaction-diffusion, including the geometry-dependent reaction-diffusion and deformation-aware reaction-diffusion.
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