Utilising OpenCL Framework for Ray-Tracing Acceleration
Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Czech Technical University, 2011
title={Utilising OpenCL Framework for Ray-Tracing Acceleration},
author={Hradsk{`y}, B.P.},
journal={Computer Graphics},
Modern graphics accelerators do not serve for classic computer games graphics computation accelerations only any more. Their highly parallel architectures enable their use in a broad spectrum of calculations. Because of the release of the OpenCL library and our interest in ray-tracing, we decided to show that ray-tracing is feasible not only on a multi-core processor but also on an ordinary graphics card. Our thesis first compares OpenCL to the other similar libraries and then illustrates its use. For ray-tracing we selected two acceleration structures — the uniform grids and bounding volume hierarchies. We implement their construction and traversal in C++ and OpenCL. In the end of the thesis, we measure which of them and on what architecture performs better.
September 24, 2011 by hgpu