The 3rd International Workshop of GPU Solutions to Multiscale Problems in Science and Engineering, 2012, GPU-SMP’ 2012

June 1-4, 2012
Shenzhen, China

This international conference in Shenzhen will focus on understanding the potential usage of GPU and MIC from a computational scientific user point of view, particularly for multiscale problems in science on engineering. It brings together experts from China, Japan, and bordering Pacific countries such as the USA, Korea,Australia and Singapore. In addition to algorithmic research, we will focus on high level libraries and programming environments, such as PETSc from Argonne National Laboratory, USA, and visualization tools, that can improve the performance and productivity of large-scale applications. These advancements in GPU and accelerator research will be illustrated by both computational kernels and entire large-scale applications, which exercise these tools and libraries. The conference will bring together scientists with algorithm and hardware designers, especially students and young researchers, who are heavily involved in application studies for GPU, MIC, or hybrid systems

Some topics are mentioned below but are not restricted to

1. Large-scale problems using GPU and hybrid systems

2. physical, chemical, biological, geological and industrial applications

3. Techniques for optimizing kernels in GPU and other many-core systems ( MIC)

4. mixed precision computing

5. Benchmarking and performance evaluation for GPU, MIC, and hybrid systems

6. Visualization tools and techniques to help applications for GPU, MIC, and hybrid systems

7. Aspects of Green Computing from GPU and MIC

8. The relative advantages of directives versus libraries in converting legacy codes to Green Computing

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