Parallelization of KMP String Matching Algorithm on Different SIMD architectures: Multi-Core and GPGPU’s
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal-462051, India
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 49 – No.11, 2012
title={Parallelization of KMP String Matching Algorithm on Different SIMD architectures: Multi-Core and GPGPU’s},
author={Rasool, A. and Khare, N.},
journal={International Journal of Computer Applications},
publisher={Foundation of Computer Science (FCS)}
String matching is a classical problem in computer science. After the study of the Naive string search, Brute Force and the KMP algorithm, several advantages and disadvantages of the algorithms have been analyzed. Considering KMP in particular concept of parallelization has been introduced to improve the performance of the KMP algorithm. The algorithm is designed to work on SIMD parallel architecture where text is divided for parallel processing and special searching at division point is required for consistent and complete searching. This algorithm reduces the number of comparisons and parallelization improves the time efficiency. This algorithm achieves a better result as compared to the multithreaded version of the algorithm where again by text dividing, the parallelization is achieved.
August 4, 2012 by hgpu