Space Charge Dominated Envelope Dynamics Using GPUs
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia
4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013), 2013
author={Kulabukhova, N},
High power accelerator facilities lead to necessity to consider space charge forces. It is therefore important to study the space charge dynamics in the corresponding channels. To represent the space charge forces of the beam we have developed special software based on some analytical models for space charge distributions. Because calculations for space charge dynamics become extremely time consuming, we use a special algorithm for predictorcorrector method for evaluation scheme for beam map evaluation including the space charge forces. This method allows us to evaluate the map along the references trajectory and to create the beam envelope dynamics. The corresponding computer codes are realized using CUDA implementation of maps for particle dynamics. Some numerical results for different types of the beam channels are discussed. The survey of advantages and disadvantages of using different methods of parallelization and some parallel approaches will be done.
June 17, 2013 by hgpu