GPU-Based Monte-Carlo Volume Raycasting

C. R. Salama
Computer Graphics Group, University of Siegen, Germany
Computer Graphics and Applications, 2007. PG ’07. 15th Pacific Conference on In Computer Graphics and Applications, 2007. PG ’07. 15th Pacific Conference on (2007), pp. 411-414.


   title={Gpu-based monte-carlo volume raycasting},

   author={Salama, C.R.},

   booktitle={Computer Graphics and Applications, 2007. PG’07. 15th Pacific Conference on},





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This paper presents a practical, high-quality, hardware-accelerated volume rendering approach including scattering, environment mapping, and ambient occlusion. We examine the application of stochastic raytracing techniques for volume rendering and provide a fast GPU-based prototype implementation. In addition, we propose a simple phenomenological scattering model, closely related to the Phong illumination model that many artists are familiar with. We demonstrate our technique being capable of producing convincing images, yet flexible enough for digital productions in practice.
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