A Data Parallel Algorithm for Seismic Raytracing

Allen D. Malony, Stephanie McCumsey, Joseph Byrnes, Craig Rasmusen, Soren Rasmusen, Erik Keever, Doug Toomey
University of Oregon
12th International Meeting on High Performance Computing for Computational Science, 2016


   title={A Data Parallel Algorithm for Seismic Raytracing},

   author={Malony, Allen D and McCumsey, Stephanie and Byrnes, Joseph and Rasmusen, Craig and Rasmusen, Soren and Keever, Erik and Toomey, Doug},



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Dijkstra’s single-source shortest path algorithm has been applied in seismic tomography to determine paths of minimum travel time from all locations in a 3D earth model to sensors used in seismic experiments. An iterative data parallel algorithm is formulated for seismic tomography based on the Bellman-Ford-Moore (BFM) algorithm. Performance is demonstrated for OpenMP and OpenCL.
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