A Game Architecture Based on Multiple GPUs With Energy Management

Marcelo Zamith, Luis Valente, Mark Joselli, Jose Silva Junior, Esteban Clua, Bruno Feijo
Federal University of Vicosa
XII Simposio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGames 2013), 2013


   title={A Game Architecture Based on Multiple GPUs With Energy Management},

   author={Zamith, Marcelo and Valente, Luis and Joselli, Mark and Junior, Jos{‘e} Silva and Clua, Esteban and Feij{‘o}, Bruno},



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The availability of multicore CPUs and programmable GPUs have risen the provision of processing power for applications. In case of games, this means increased scene realism and more sophisticated artificial intelligence and physics simulations, for example. However, using more power raises energy consumption and system temperature. Therefore, energy consumption and thermal management are research fields that have been receiving increased attention over the last years. This work proposes a multi-thread game architecture based on the GPGPU paradigm to make use of available hardware while providing energy consumption and thermal control management for multiple GPU processors.
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