Performance Analysis for GPU-based Ray-triangle Algorithms

Juan J. Jimenez, Carlos J. Ogayar, Jose M. Noguera, Felix Paulano
Grupo de Graficos y Geomatica de Jaen, University of Jaen, Campus Las Lagunillas, Edificio A3, 23071, Jaen, Spain
9th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP’14), 2014


   title={Performance Analysis for GPU-based Ray-triangle Algorithms},

   author={Jim{‘e}nez, Juan J and Og{‘a}yar, Carlos J and Noguera, Jos{‘e} M and Paulano, F{‘e}lix},



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Several algorithms have been proposed during the past years to solve the ray-triangle intersection test. In this paper we collect the most prominent solutions and describe how to parallelize them on modern programmable graphics processing units (GPUs) by means of NVIDIA CUDA. This paper also provides a comprehensive performance analysis based on several optional features and optimizations (such as back-face culling and the use of pre-computed values) that allowed us to determine the influence of each factor on the performance. Finally, we analyze the architecture of the GPU and its impact on the parallel implementation of each method, as well as the approach used to achieve a high-performance fine-grained parallel computation on the raytriangle test.
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