Hybrid Use of OmpSs for a Shock Hydrodynamics Proxy Application
High Performance Computing Section, IT Dept., Norwegian University of Science and Technology
PRACE, 2014
title={Hybrid Use of OmpSs for a Shock Hydrodynamics Proxy Application},
author={Meyer, Jan Christian},
The LULESH proxy application models the behavior of the ALE3D multi-physics code with an explicit shock hydrodynamics problem, and is made in order to evaluate interactions between programming models and architectures, using a representative code significantly less complex than the application it models. As identified in the PRACE deliverable D7.2.1 [1], the OmpSs programming model specifically targets programming at the exascale, and this whitepaper investigates the effectiveness of its support for development on hybrid architectures.
May 16, 2014 by hgpu