A Road Marking Extraction Method Using GPGPU

Dajun Ding, Jongsu Yoo, Jekyo Jung, Kwon Soon
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, IT Converge Department, Daegu, Republic of Korea
Advanced Science and Technology Letters, Vol.50 (CST 2014), pp.46-54, 2014


   title={A Road Marking Extraction Method Using GPGPU},

   author={Ding, Dajun and Yoo, Jongsu and Jung, Jekyo and Soon, Kwon},



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In driving assistance system (DAS), road marking’s data can provide important assistance for driving safety. As the input image usually includes unnecessary information, lane detection system usually needs to remove most unnecessary data except for the lane markings. In this paper, a road marking extraction method is proposed to separate the painted lane lines using a special designed band-pass filter. Then we tried the acceleration method based on the integral image as well as the GPGPU. Road markings can be segmented automatically and adaptively in every frame. The proposed method is applied to various video images from black box, and is verified to be robust.
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