An efficient solution for hazardous geophysical flows simulation using GPUs

Asier Lacasta, Carmelo Juez, Javier Murillo, Pilar García-Navarro
LIFTEC, CSIC-University of Zaragoza
Computers & Geosciences, Volume 78, May 2015, Pages 63–72


   title={An efficient solution for hazardous geophysical flows simulation using GPUs},

   journal={Computers & Geosciences},







   author={A. Lacasta and C. Juez and J. Murillo and P. Garcia-Navarro},

   keywords={CUDA; GPU; Landslides; Numerical modeling; Shallow flow; Coulomb forces}


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The movement of poorly sorted material over steep areas constitutes a hazardous environmental problem. Computational tools help in the understanding and predictions of such landslides. The main drawback is the high computational effort required for obtaining accurate numerical solutions due to the high number of cells involved in the calculus. In order to overcome this problem, this work proposes the use of GPUs for decreasing significantly the CPU simulation time. The numerical scheme implemented in GPU is based on a finite volume scheme and it was validated in previous work with exact solutions and experimental data. The computational cost time obtained with the Graphical Hardware technology, GPU, are compared against single-Core (sequential) and multi-Core (parallel) CPU implementations. The GPU implementation allows to reduce the computational cost time in two orders of magnitude.
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