Large steps in GPU-based deformable bodies simulation
University of Stuttgart, Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems, Universitat str. 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 13, No. 8. (November 2005), pp. 703-715
title={Large steps in GPU-based deformable bodies simulation},
author={Tejada, E. and Ertl, T.},
journal={Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory},
The interactive deformation and visualization of volumetric objects is still a challenging problem for many application areas. We present a novel integrated system which implements physically-based deformation and volume visualization of tetrahedral meshes on modern graphics hardware by exploiting the last features of vertex and fragment shaders. We achieve fast and stable deformation of tetrahedral meshes by means of a GPU-based implicit solver and present a hardware-based single-pass raycaster for deformed tetrahedral meshes. Thus, direct visualization of the inner structures of the deformed mesh is possible, while keeping the data on the graphics hardware throughout the entire simulation.
November 30, 2010 by hgpu